Camps Bay Squash Club

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Club Contacts

Penny Cobbledick

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Sue von Hirschfeld

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Sacha West

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Cameron Kruger

Western Cape, South Africa

Charl Everts

Western Cape, South Africa
Club Rankings
Rank Name Club Points Confidence
1 Hildsley Noome CB 1,400 0%
2 Sacha West CB 1,362 0%
3 Ken Schumann CB 1,326 67%
4 Barbara Vintcent CB 1,292 67%
5 Richard Kearney CB 1,274 69%
6 Pierr Roodt CB 1,218 0%
7 Wiehahn Stiglingh CB 1,213 0%
8 Ryan Bluck CB 1,209 0%
9 Sally Smith CB 1,205 0%
10 Judit Breyer-Zur CB 1,200 0%
11 Henno Bothma CB 1,063 0%
12 Penny Cobbledick CB 1,026 62%
13 Bruce Carter CB 921 0%
14 Grant Langton CB 902 0%
15 Simon Wood CB 868 0%
16 Janelle du Toit CB 749 0%
17 Sharon Levin CB 671 0%
18 Sue von Hirschfeld CB 525 0%
19 Patti Tooley CB 517 0%
20 Lynne Jones CB 482 0%

CAMPS BAY LADDER RULES VER 1 Date : 13/03/2020

1. Existing players can challenge two spots above them if all other challenge rules are satisfied. If a challenger wins he moves to the challenged player’s position and affected players below this position move one spot down on the ladder.

2. Matches will be best-of-5 games and games are played to 15 points unless both players agree to play to 11 points

3. Once a challenge has been logged*, the match must be completed in 10 days.
a. If the challenged player can’t make time to play the match, the challenged player forfeits
b. Reasonable scheduling issues** will be resolved by the Ladder Referee

4. If a challenger wins with a result of 3-2 in games, the result is not valid and a re-match can be scheduled in 10 days. If the challenger wins the re-match 3-2 again, the result is valid

5. A challenger can place only one challenge at a time. After the match result, can a follow-up challenge be made given that rules 6 to 10 are satisfied

6. A player can’t challenge a player “under” challenge until the match is completed. i.e. One cannot challenge the loser of a match before the match is completed.

7. A challenged player cannot challenge anyone before the match he/she is challenged to play is complete.

8. The loser of a match can’t challenge anyone for 7 days after said match, but can be challenged in that period; and if challenged, he/she has to play that match as first order. Rule 8 is not applicable to new players to the ladder.

9. The loser of a match can’t re-challenge the winner of said match for 14 days. Refer to Rule 4 for the exception.

10. The winner of a challenge match has 7 days to make a challenge and can’t be challenged in that period; unless the winner chooses not to challenge further AND agrees to being challenged.

11. New players to the ladder must challenge in on the ladder. If the challenger loses a match, the next challenge attempt must be four (or more) positions on the ladder lower than the previous player he/she challenged. Rule 8 is not applicable to new players to the ladder.

12. When two Camps Bay members play a match in a provincial or national tournament; or the Camps Bay Club Championship, the match will be considered as a challenge match, where and the 2-position rule (Rule 1) is not applicable.

*Logging a challenge and capturing results
-The challenger must send an email to to log the challenge.
-Personal messages to the Ladder Referee will also count as logging a challenge, but in the case of a dispute, challenges logged via the cbayladder email address takes preference.
-The challenger captures the match results on SportyHQ ladder; the challenged player must check if the match result is captured correctly
**Reasonable scheduling issues and solutions
-If a player is away for work/holiday or injury for up to 3 weeks, it is considered a reasonable excuse and the challenged player can pause the challenge for 3 weeks from the day the challenge is logged.
-Players that are away for longer than 3 weeks can choose to be taken off the ladder (instead of forfeiting a challenge). The player will then have to challenge in according to Rule 9.
-The Ladder Referee can choose to take players off the ladder who are away, even if it is less than 3 weeks. The player will then have to challenge in according to Rule 9.